when in doubt, add paint
i don’t really have a problem with white sneakers; they can be the right thing in the right context, like almost anything (even socks with sandals — ok, not just any socks & sandals — have found a place in my style ecosystem). but white sneakers have no place in james’ world, and apparently, this is a blanket stance that even goes for running shoes. so when it came time for him to replace his trainers (read: the in-house research & shopping expert was issued an asics-related challenge), his only ask was: “any color but plain white. please.”
i knew the size, i knew the style, so i set to work finding the cheapest pair, aware that in mere weeks they’d be well used and destined for sneaker limbo — the workshop — the soft landing place for all semi-retired running shoes.
after several rounds of diligent online research, i’d located my prize! who cares that the thumbnail showed a sparkling white pair; these things always come in a zillion colors. right?
yeah, no.
white sneakers. the choice was white sneakers, or pay roughly twice as much for another pair.
and thus began an intense internal tug-of-war between style and paying a not just hefty amount for his favorite trainers but a truly ridiculous one for any other color, year of issue be damned.
mercifully, it was over quickly once the lightbulb went on. “ok. just get the white ones and we can paint them, no problem.”
and by “we,” he means me & l. sure, ok. yeah, we can do that.
two weeks later (hey, great art takes time!), the sneakers have gone from sorry state to statement piece, transformed into a very bright & super unique pair. i’m sure he’ll get stopped on the street (a real treat for any serious runner). the key question is, will the improved kicks help him run faster? we don’t know. that’s actually a query for his oldest brother, and another story for another time.
the sparkling white sneakers
paint? yeah. we can do that.
very bright & super unique